About Me

  My massage education was granted to me by the National hollistic institute of massage therapy. the massage program I attended at NHI was that of a 900 hour course. The training and education received at NHI gave me hands on training with the public...




Greetings and salutations,                                                                                                          This website is dedicated to the Massage craft and styling of one, Keegan Damodara Adames.    

  So why did I choose the path of massage? Because massage is on of the oldest methods of healing and restoration. Massage itself has, for many years, been seen a luxury, but that can't be farther from the truth. After experiencing injuries from everyday life and going thru an extensive Massage therapy course, massage itself is a nessecity In life to restore and maintain muscular balance within a person. Why do I say this? Because with internal and muscular balance, stress is reduced and happiness increases. Why would I be you're perfect massage therapist? Because my goal is to balance all to achieve that happiness we all desire.